Dolores Echeverría Esparza, MJS
Mother Lolita
Founder of the Motolinía schools and the Missionaries of Jesus the Priest
“If we love the children whom we educate, they will correspond to that love allowing us to educate them.”
Missionaries of Jesus the Priest
The Congregation of the Missionaries of Jesus the Priest was founded on January 14, 1938, in Mexico City by Mother Dolores Echeverría Esparza and Father Edmundo Iturbide Reygondaud, a Missionary of the Holy Spirit.
The Missionaries of Jesus the Priest were born within the Church to educate and evangelize with a priestly spirit in universities, colleges, and the Motolinía Institutes.
Their charisma is to honor Jesus Christ, the Supreme and Eternal Priest.
They dedicate their lives to the formation of baptismal priesthood within the entire educational community, praying and working for the sanctification of priests.
All the efforts of the Missionaries of Jesus the Priest are grounded in priestly, ecclesial, and Marian spirituality, with Jesus Christ as our mediator, merciful and faithful.

Faith Formation Center
We are an evangelized, evangelizer, and missionary community.
Our central axis is to seek transformation in Jesus the Priest, discovering the being and the way of the priestly spirituality, creating a foundation of faith experience.
The main elements of our spirituality are:
Mediating as living bridges
Applying the Baptismal Priesthood
Praying for the priest.
We attend the complete family forming our students, parents, teachers, and personnel.
For students
Our program assists students in understanding the elements of our faith and in translating them into a missionary commitment. Our classes are competency-based and systematically designed, incorporating a qualitative collaborative evaluation approach.
The program includes:
Vocational accompaniment
Sacrament preparation
Priestly assemblies
Spiritual retreats
Group Eucharist
For community
Spiritual conferences and retreats, Parenting and Grandparenting Schools, Holy Hour, Monthly Eucharist, Significant liturgical Eucharists and events, Yearly Pilgrimage, Apostolic Groups: Misioneros Laicos de Jesús Sacerdote, Familia Misionera de Jesús Sacerdote.
Motolinía Apostholic Groups (GAM):
Mary´s Little Nests
In this group, students are taught to pray the rosary with the importance of praying for the most in need, having Mary as an intercessor before her son Jesus the Priest.
Altar Servers
This group is taught to serve at the altar, emphasizing the importance of love for the Eucharist in the presence of the sacrament of Jesus.
Sentinels of Jesus the Priest
In this group, students are taught the importance of works of mercy, promoting small actions that they can perform in their family environment.